The Functionality of a Stepper Motor Driver Explained!

The Functionality of a Stepper Motor Driver Explained!

The Functionality of a Stepper Motor Driver Explained!

Stepper motors function as critical points in different automation processes by serving as significant means of delicate movement and position regulation. However, their operation hinges on an equally crucial component. In this blog post, you are going to learn more about stepper motor driver, how it works, different types of stepper motor drivers, and how to connect stepper motors to a driver. Whether you are doing home improvement or complex automation, this blog is a must-read for you.

What is a Stepper Motor Driver?

Stepper motor driver is an interface circuit that governs the functioning of a stepper motor. It translates input commands into precise movements by coming up with electrical pulses that will make the stepper motor move in increments. In fact, it can be seen to function as the interface between the motor and the control system to provide the best performance.

How Does a Stepper Motor Driver Work?

Before getting into the details of a motor driver, it would be beneficial to consider the fundamentals of stepper motors. Stepper motors are employed where the requirement is for a systematic, step-by-step rotation. This enhances the control of rotation and positioning.

  • Pulse Generation: The driver gets signals from a control system, like a microcontroller or programmable logic controller (PLC). Every pulse represents a step, which makes the motor move in a particular step-like stroke manner. Interestingly, the pulsing of these guard rings occurs in a rhythmic manner, and such pulsing influences the speed of the motor.
  • Current Control: Stepper motor drivers are used to control the amount of current supplied by the motor coils. Thus, the driver controls the current in order to maintain proper motor functioning and prevent it from overheating.
  • Microstepping: Some of the modern stepper motor drivers incorporate microstepping, a method through which each full step is split into sub-steps. This increases the accuracy with which the motor can rotate and reciprocate and also reduces vibrations and makes the motor perform better.

Stepper Motor Driver Types

There are many kinds of stepper motor drivers, and each is specific for the intended purpose that is going to be used on it. Familiarising yourself with these types will enable you to make the right decision when selecting the most appropriate stepper motor driver to meet the intended purpose.

  • Unipolar Stepper Motor Drivers: All these drivers are intended for unipolar stepper motors that have a centre tapping on the coils. Unipolar drivers require fewer transistors to control the motor and, hence, are efficient for simple applications.
  • Bipolar Stepper Motor Drivers: Bipolar techniques are employed in bipolar stepper motors, which do not have a centre point from which a ground can be derived. This entails more complex control circuitry than the full-wave technique.
  • Microstepping Drivers: These drivers afford high precision through the sub-division of each full step. They are ideal for use in systems that involve precise and fluid motion, such as Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines and 3D printers.
  • Hybrid Drivers: There are also those that are in between the bipolar and unipolar, known as hybrid drivers. Due to their effectiveness, they can be adapted for any number of stepper motors and are therefore known to be versatile.

How to Find the Best Stepper Motor Driver?

Selecting the most appropriate stepper motor driver involves many parameters, such as stepper motor characteristics, intended application and cost. Here are some considerations to help you select the best driver:

  • Motor Compatibility: Make sure that the driver is compatible with the motor type- unipolar or bipolar and has the capability to control the inputs in terms of voltage and current the motor requires.
  • Control Features: Ensure that the driver has extensive features for controlling the device, including micro stepping, current limiting, as well as over-temperature protection. They improve performance and the relative utility of the driver.
  • Ease of Integration: This driver should be one that you can easily merge with your current control system. Some drivers are provided with all the basic and easy-to-understand interfaces and manuals to aid in this process.
  • Brand and Support: Stick to recognised brands that won’t let you down and provide adequate after-sales service. Stepper motor drivers available from electrical and automation smartshops, such as the Lauritz Knudsen Electrical and Automation, are highly recommended and offer first-rate support services.

Small Stepper Motor Drivers

When an application needs space or weight-optimised stepper motor drivers, small stepper motor drivers will be the best job for it. These drivers are intended for congested locations, yet they perform their tasks adequately. They are widely applied to devices like robots, consumer electronics, and other compact and portable instruments.

How to Connect Stepper Motor to Driver?

Some of the important points to be followed while connecting a stepper motor to a driver are as follows.

Identify Motor Wires: Find out the wiring connection of your stepper motor. Usually, motors are provided with 4, 6 or 8 wires for each coil.

  • Connect Motor Wires to Driver: Screw the motor wires at the appropriate terminals on the stepper motor driver. Check that the connections for the motor are tight and right from the wiring diagram.
  • Power the Driver: Screw the stepper motor driver to an appropriate power source with an appropriate amperage rating for the chosen motor. Make sure that it has the proper voltage and current rating per the driver’s specifications.
  • Connect to Control System: Interface the driver with the control system i. e., microcontroller or PLC, depending on the design of the system. It also enables you to send commands and pulses to the driver, which are incorporated into the system.
  • Configure Driver Settings: The driver settings that include current limits and microstepping should be set with respect to the motor capabilities and the nature of operations to be done.
  • Test the setup: Switch on the system and check that the motor is working. Ensure that it has the proper interaction with the commands and executes as required.

Also Read: AC Drives vs. DC Drives: Which One is Right for Your Application?


It is important to understand the operation of a stepper motor driver to be able to get the best out of stepper motors in different applications. These drivers are involved in pulse generation and current control, and they play a critical role in proper motor operation. While the stepper motor drivers come in unipolar, bipolar, micro-stepping, and hybrid drivers, it becomes challenging to determine the most suitable stepper motor driver since the performance depends on the requirements of the system in question. If you are looking for high-quality stepper motor drivers and need consultation, Lauritz Knudsen Electrical and Automation Smartshop will be the perfect solution.