What are Digital Panel Meters? Types Use and Applications

What are Digital Panel Meters? Types Use and Applications

What are Digital Panel Meters? Types Use and Application

Digital panel meters have changed how the technology works by giving accurate electricity consumption readings. You can keep tabs on your electricity inputs and determine how much electricity is used. There are many different ways you can leverage the power of these panels. Monitoring and managing electricity consumption has always been challenging. Whether you’re a homeowner or have a small business, digital panel meters can benefit you. But first, let’s quickly look at what they are.  

What is a Digital Panel Meter?

In the present world, every home has an electric meter with intelligent functions built in. These meters are also known as digital power meters or energy meters. These measurement and monitoring devices are typically designed to measure and display electrical parameters more accurately.nbsp;

Unlike traditional ones, these meters use electronic components to render precise voltage, current, power factor, and energy consumption readings. Different makes and models of digital electric meters are available in the market depending on your specific needs. 

For example, you can use a 3 phase digital panel meter for industrial or commercial use. These meters can help you break down the measured voltage, frequency, power usage, and current in three phases. You can monitor which utilities consume the power and manage them accordingly. 

What are the Types of Digital Panel Meters?

Different types of digital panel meters are available in the market, typically based on your needs. These are: 

1. Single-Phase Digital Panel Meters

A single-phase DC voltage digital panel meter best suits residential and small-scale commercial settings. These devices measure voltage and current in a single-phase electrical system. They display electrical readings in a single-phase power system. The meters are simple and efficient and display readings that are easy to read and measure.

2. Three-Phase Digital Panel Meters

Also used as AC voltage digital panel meters, three-phase digital panel meters are commonly used in industrial settings and large commercial establishments. As the name suggests, these meters are slightly more advanced than the former. They are designed to display electrical measurements in three-phase power systems. 

You can get accurate voltage, current, and power factor readings for each phase. The readings you get finally help you identify irregularities and optimize energy consumption. 

3. Smart Meters

Smart meters work in an advanced and sophisticated way compared to the traditional ones. These meters are based on real-time monitoring and are used in both commercial and residential areas. You can get valuable insights into your energy consumption and usage pattern. These are the ones you can easily find in every house in India.

Some of the renowned features of smart meters are:

  • Automated meter reading
  • Can be accessed remotely
  • Detection of power outages or irregularities.
  • Display real-time energy monitoring information
  • Support two-way communication for utility control
  • Applications and Uses of Digital Panel Meter

Applications of Digital Panel Meters

Digital panel meters are used in various applications these days. Besides industrial and domestic purposes, they are also used in industrial-level projects. Some of the applications of digital meters are: 

  • Power Monitoring
  • Process Control
  • Energy Management
  • Laboratory Instrumentation
  • HVAC Systems
  • Renewable Energy Systems
  • Fault Diagnosis
  • Data Centres
  • Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants

These applications show how versatile digital panel meters are across different industries. 

Usage of Digital Panel Meters

An LED and LCD digital Panel meter is typically used in domestic and commercial settings. Its use can be categorized into monitoring, measuring, and optimizing power factors. Some of its uses are: 

  • Residential Usage Monitoring
  • Commercial and Industrial Monitoring
  • Energy Integration and Distribution
  • Billing and Metering for Utilities

Advantages of Digital Panel Electric Meters

There are many plus points of utilizing a digital panel meter from a commercial and residential viewpoint. In contrast to analogue meters, digital meters are more accurate and efficient. These can also help you save more money in the long term. Here are some of the critical advantages of using digital panel electric meters: 

  • Display precise readings
  • Easy to read
  • Multiple display options
  • Data logging and communication
  • Data logging and communication
  • Compact in size
  • Low maintenance
  • Energy efficient
  • Wide measurement range

So, above are some benefits of using an Lauritz Knudsen (Formerly L&T Switchgear) digital panel meter, which is perfect for both domestic and commercial purposes. Depending on your needs, you can choose different makes and models of digital panel meters. 

The LED digital panel meter by Lauritz Knudsen (Formerly L&T Switchgear) has a clear real-time display that provides accurate readings. You can monitor and control electrical parameters easily. These meters have advanced features such as data logging and customizable features. 


In the ever-changing landscape of energy management, digital panel electric meters must be reliable and accurate to help you save energy. From empowering homeowners to enabling industries, digital panel meters are essential. A precise meter is pivotal in shaping a future where electricity is harnessed with precision and responsibility. As technology advances, the role of digital panel electric meters will be crucial. 


1. What is a digital panel meter (DPM)?

A digital panel meter is an electronic device that displays reading in a digital format. These devices are used to measure and display voltage, current, and resistance on a control panel and are easy to use.

2. How does a digital panel meter differ from an analogue meter?

In contrast to analogue meters, digital panel meters use digital displays to provide accurate and precise readings. They offer better readability, faster response times, and display multiple parameters simultaneously.

3. What types of measurements can digital panel meters perform?

Digital panel meters measure voltage, current, frequency, temperature, and resistance. Some models are application-specific, such as power monitoring or process control.

4. Can digital panel meters be integrated into automated systems?

Yes, many digital panel meters are designed with communication interfaces. This interface helps with remote monitoring and data logging. Digital panel meters can also integrate with other control and monitoring devices.