Different Types of Solar Water Pumps: Which One is Right for You?

Different Types of Solar Water Pumps: Which One is Right for You?

Different Types of Solar Water Pumps: Which One is Right for You?

With technological upgrades, we can now use the sun's energy to efficiently and effortlessly provide electricity to our houses for multipurpose utility. The use of solar water pumps is completely changing how we obtain and use water, particularly in isolated or off-grid locations. These pumps offer a lasting, economical, and environmentally beneficial answer to all the problems related to water distribution by harnessing the sun's limitless energy. Solar water pumps provide a clear and sunny way forward for everyone interested in using green technology, whether they are a farmer hoping to irrigate their crops, a household wishing to save electricity costs, or an environmental enthusiast ready to embrace green technology.

In this blog, we will discover the various types of solar water pumps and select the best one that resonates with your unique requirements. 

Benefits of Solar Water Pumps

There are certain advantages of solar water pumps due to which the popularity has been increased to a great extent among the users situated in different parts of the world. Here is a list of some of the few advantages of solar water pumps. 

  • Since solar water pumps use renewable energy, it makes them sustainable compared with other types of energy sources. The farm's soil and air remain pure since they don't create any dangerous pollutants and degrade the atmosphere. 
  • Solar panels convert solar power into solar energy. These panels can draw electricity and provide it to various electrical components. Hence, once the panels are installed, you can get unlimited energy without incurring additional expenses. 
  • Another great advantage of solar water pumps is that irrigating crops does not require additional time or effort. Compared to other energy sources, there is no need to visit the gas station when your crops need water since you won't run out of fuel. Moreover, superior-quality solar pumps are reliable because they have strong warranties. 

Types of Solar Water Pumps

Depending on their functionality, solar water pumps can be classified into various categories. Here is a list of numerous types of solar water pumps available. 

Centrifugal Solar Water Pumps

Solar-powered pumps that use centrifugal force to transfer water over large distances or from lower to higher elevations are known as centrifugal solar water pumps. These pumps are designed to transfer water. With the help of this pump, large volumes of water can be easily transferred from one location to another. 

Submersible Solar Water Pumps

Solar power is efficiently converted into solar energy by solar submersible pumps to pump and distribute water. It is a pump that is submerged deep in water. Furthermore, it is one of the most alluring methods of distributing water in the world's sunny regions, particularly in isolated places where power is non-existent. The primary applications of submersible pumps include borehole pumping, pumping out drinking water, irrigation in the agricultural field and many more. 

Alternating Current Solar Water Pumps 

These types of solar water pumps operate using alternating current, which is generated by solar panels and inverters. These pumps are capable of handling a wide range of water pumping applications, from large-scale industrial and agricultural use to small-scale domestic use.

Surface Solar Water Pumps

Water from ponds, lakes, and rivers is mostly pumped using solar energy converted into water using solar surface water pumps. This method is usually used for pressurisation, irrigation, and other situations. Nowadays, it is the most popular water distribution method in sunny regions, particularly in isolated places with limited access to energy.

Hybrid Solar Water Pump Systems

Hybrid pumps are one of the most unique types of solar water pumps. It is an amalgamation of solar energy along with various types of power sources such as diesel generators and batteries. The most interesting feature of this hybrid solar water pump system is that even on days with cloud cover at night or when solar power energy is insufficient, this hybrid strategy guarantees a steady and dependable supply of water.

Direct Current Solar Water Pumps

Similar to alternating-current solar water pumps, direct-current solar water pumps operate using the direct current generated from the solar panels without being converted into any other source of current. Unlike alternating-current solar water pumps, these types of solar water pumps do not require an inverter to convert the current. Hence, there remains a constant demand for direct-current solar water pumps in the market. 

Application of Solar Water Pumps

Solar water pumps have a wide range of applications and, hence, have gained immense popularity among a wide range of users. Here are some of the popular application of solar water pumps

  • Solar water pumps can provide cattle with a dependable source of water, especially in isolated locations, eliminating the need to carry water over great distances.
  • In rural locations where the problem of an adequate supply of power remains a big issue, solar water pumps can be used for irrigation purposes, which could help increase agricultural yields and provide livestock with a consistent supply of water.
  • Solar water pumps can be used to run waterfalls and fountains in outdoor areas. This would not only save electricity but also help create a visually pleasing feature.
  • For domestic purposes, water could be pumped from surface or subsurface sources using solar water pumps.
  • Furthermore, swimming pools may be made more environmentally friendly by using solar water pumps instead of regular pool pumps. The use of solar water pumps conserves energy and reduces the electricity bill.
  • An entire town can access clean water by installing solar water pumps in the enormous water treatment plants and distribution systems.

Factors to Consider While  Selecting a Solar Water Pump

Certain factors must be considered while selecting the best solar water pumps. These factors ensure a balance between the pump's requirements and the machine's efficiency. Here is a list of some of the factors that must be considered while selecting the best solar pumping system. 

  • Remember to check the pump's wattage and operating hours. This will help you select the best solar water pump to provide sufficient energy to perform its operations. 
  • Ascertain whether the source of the water is a borehole, river, pond, or well. This will affect the kind of pump required to draw out the required water.
  • This factor is often ignored, but do not forget to verify the conditions of the warranties on the solar panels, pump, and other parts.
  • Most importantly, determine the amount of water required each day for your intended purpose, such as domestic purposes, livestock, or irrigation.
  • Always ensure enough room and little shade at the installation location for the solar panels. Also, do not forget to take into account the regional weather patterns, such as recurrent storms or significant snowfall, that might have an impact on the system's operation.
  • Determine the average amount of sunlight where you intend to install the solar panels. Higher sun insolation areas will produce more energy, increasing the pump's efficiency.
  • Most importantly, take into account the initial costs for the solar panels, pump, and other parts. Also, do not ignore the maintenance cost that will be incurred in the long run. 
  • Furthermore, the type of pump to be installed should always be considered by checking the source of water. If your nearby location has a borewell or deep wells, then submersible pumps would be the ideal solar water pumps. If the source of water is from any type of shallow surface, then consider surface solar water pumps. 

Also Read:  Role Of Automatic Water Level Controllers In Energy And Water Savings


Solar water pumps are an innovative and efficient option that stands out in the search for sustainable solutions regarding the consumption of energy. These solar-powered pumps provide a dependable, economical, and environmentally responsible means of supplying our water demands. Solar water pumps light the way for a more environmentally friendly future for all types of consumers, whether you're a farmer tending to your crops, a household person aiming for the application of sustainable energy measures or a community trying for sustainability. 

If you are to switch to a sustainable measure of consumption as well as conservation of energy, then Lauritz Knudsen (Formerly L&T Switchgear) Smartshop is your ultimate destination. The solar-operated equipment of Lauritz Knudsen (Formerly L&T Switchgear) Smartshop, like the solar pump controller, offers an environmentally responsible option whether your goal is to attain energy independence, lower energy expenses, or lessen your carbon footprint.